Campsite Booking




To maintain pitch quality, all awnings and tents may only remain on a pitch for 14 nights after which time they must either be taken down or moved to another pitch accordingly.

In any event, the maximum stay on site is 21 nights.

In mid- and high-season, non-electric pitches are available only to tents and camper vans (under 5.5m) due to our licence restrictions.

Please note, we cannot guarantee to allocate specific pitches or to pitch groups together.

All fires/BBQ’s must be contained and raised off the ground.

The non-electric field holds sheep during the winter, so the ground may be uneven in places. We accept no responsibility for injury, damage to yourself or any possessions.

Motorbikes & Commercial vehicles are only accepted at the discretion of the management and by prior arrangement. No sleeping in cars, or panel vans. Converted motor-caravans only.

Drones may not be flown over the campsite or farm land at Norden Farm except by prior arrangement.

Generators are not permitted on site at any time.

Our current electricity network in this rural location cannot support the charging of electric vehicles at present.


WiFi is provided free of charge on an as-is basis. Connection speed is limited due to our rural location. No guarantee of speed or availability is given.

The service may not be used for any illegal purpose. Your connection details will be logged as required by law.


In the event of serious weather conditions, we may offer a tow off site service which is at your own risk. You should check that your insurance cover will allow secondary towing.


DEPOSITS – We require a £30 deposit per pitch. All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. Full payment will be taken upon confirmation if your fees are less than £30.

BALANCES – Remaining balances are due 7 days prior to your arrival date. If balance payments are not settled by the due date, we have the right to cancel the booking without prior notice.

Any booking amendments must be made at least 7 days prior to arrival. Extra nights can be requested at any time, subject to availability.

Once the balance has been paid, your booking is confirmed. Please ensure you have sufficient holiday insurance to cover any amendments or cancellation, as NO REFUNDS are given after this time.

We will not take responsibility
for any discrepancies of any
bookings after the balance of the booking has been paid.


We do not accept one-night bookings on any Friday or Saturday during Mid or High Season.

On Bank Holidays and High season weekends there is a 3-night minimum tariff and restrictions on arrival date may also apply.

Maximum of 6 persons per unit.


Latest departure time is 11am.

Any guests that do not vacate by this time will automatically incur a late departure fee.

No refunds will be granted in the event of early departure.


Check-in time is from 1pm to

We have no holding areas on site so it is important that you do not arrive before check-in, as access to your pitch is not available before 1pm.

Please ensure you register upon arrival; reception is located inside the Farm Shop.

Please contact reception if you are not going to be here before 6pm on your scheduled arrival day.

Arrivals will not be accepted onto the site after 9pm. If you arrive the day after your scheduled arrival date, you can get access to your pitch from 10am.


Norden Farm Campsite is not liable for refunds or expenses you incur in the event they are prevented from fulfilling your booking as a result of circumstances beyond their control.

Such circumstances shall include (but not be limited to) war, terrorism, riots or civil unrest, industrial action, flooding, natural disaster, epidemics, health risks or such similar events (“Force Majeure”).

We strongly recommend that you have adequate holiday insurance in place to cover this.


Please be aware that fire safety regulations stipulate that there should be a 6-metre gap between each unit. You must observe this when pitching, both within your own group and in respect of other campers. This particularly applies to our unmarked free-pitching field. Any unit that we consider to be pitched incorrectly will be asked to move.  



We cannot accept groups of unaccompanied children under the age of 18. Stag & Hen parties are not permitted.

Before booking, groups of up to 4 units must fill in the group booking form located on the “book now” page of our website.

Any group larger than 4 units will not be accepted.


Group leaders wishing to book 2 or more pitches must be able to provide all necessary details at the time of booking.

Bookings will not be confirmed for any pitch that does not have all the relevant information. An administration charge may be incurred if subsequent changes have to be made because of incorrect details.

It is the responsibility of the group leader to ensure each party member receives their booking confirmation.

It is the responsibility of the party member to ensure their booking confirmation is correct.


Large groups of any kind can be intimidating to others. Please consider and respect the enjoyment of other campers at all times.

Bad behaviour from any member(s) of a group may result in the entire group being asked to terminate their stay.


Remember that you are on private grounds and the owners always reserve the right of admission.